The first organizational unit of the University dealing with machine design issues at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering was the Machine Parts Team, headed by the Rector of the Evening School of Engineering and then the Higher School of Engineering, doc. Stanisław Podkowa. The teaching activity of the Team was limited to the course of Machine Parts.
Upon the transformation of the Higher School of Engineering into a University of Technology in 1977, the University's institute structure was established. In the Institute of Technology and Machine Operation created on the basis of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, the team of employees involved in the Fundamentals of Machine Design is incorporated into the Mining Machinery Division. The head of the Division was initially professor Tadeusz Opolski and then doc. Ryszard Długołęcki. There were classes in Theory of Mechanisms and Engineering Drawing in addition to Fundamentals of Machine Design.
In 1982, two divisions were established out of the existing Mining Machinery Division, including the Fundamentals of Machine Design Division headed by dr inż. Wacław Milanowski. Teaching activities included the subjects mentioned previously and, in addition, Descriptive Geometry. The Division carried out preliminary work for organization of the XII Symposium on Fundamentals of Machine Design.
As a result of subsequent reorganizations in the University, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Organization is established. In 1985, the Fundamentals of Machine Design Division forms a part of the Department of Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering and Machine Design headed by professor Kazimierz Szabelski. The problem group of Fundamentals of Machine Design within the Department was led by dr inż. Jan Banaszek, and the scope of its teaching activities did not change. In October 1985, the Department was an organizer of the XII Symposium on Fundamentals of Machine Design, held in Kazimierz Dolny.
In 1987, the Department of Engines and Fundamentals of Machine Design was established, headed by prof. Andrzej Lesikiewicz. The Fundamentals of Machine Design problem group was headed by dr. inż. Jan Banaszek until March 1988 and then by dr. inż. Konrad Pylak.
In September 1988, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering is excluded from the previous organizational structure. Initially, the Department of Engines and Fundamentals of Machine Design continues to exist. In March 1989, the Fundamentals of Machine Design Division is established, later transformed into the Department of Fundamentals of Machine Design, headed by dr hab. inż. Krzysztof Wituszyński.
Since October 2003, the Department of Fundamentals of Machine Design has been headed by professor Józef Jonak, who changed its name to the Department of Fundamentals of Machine Design and Mechatronics in 2014.
Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego, Program Operacyjny Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój 2014-2020 "PL2022 - Zintegrowany Program Rozwoju Politechniki Lubelskiej" POWR.03.05.00-00-Z036/17